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Questions to Ask Yourself


  1. Is my main reason for wanting to start a church positive or negative?  Do I want to follow God’s calling and reach people for Christ or do I just want to leave a bad situation?
  2. Do I share the gospel with non-believers on a regular basis and can I point to people who have made professions of faith and are still walking with Christ as a result of my witness?
  3. Am I comfortable relating with non-believers and building a relationship with them?
  4. Is my wife willing and enthusiastic about starting a new church?
  5. Am I willing to have training and coaching to help me be more effective?
  6. What gifts, personality characteristics, and experience do I have that would help me to be an effective church planter?
  7. Have I seen any success in seeing growth in a Sunday School class, youth group, or church?
  8. Have I seen any evidence that my preaching and teaching are received well?
  9. Am I considered someone who is a people person? (good listener, empathetic, patient, easy to get along with)
  10. Do I have a daily time with God and operate from the strength of this relationship?
  11. Is my life above reproach? (free from pattern of besetting sin, pay my bills, a good name in the community)
  12. Does my life instill trust in others? (keep commitments, get work done, honest, consistent, follow through with announced plans)
  13. Have I been thinking about my values, philosophy, and strategies in starting a new church?
  14. Have I talked this over with spiritually mature people who know me and have they encouraged me in this direction?
  15. Is there a growing feeling that this is God’s call and I must do this?