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Tyler and Kellie Penn


1917 Oak Park Drive
Champaign, IL 61822

Email: tylerpenn(at)


Tyler       August 7
Kellie      June 4
Mason       January 19
Millie      May 17
Madden      May 17

Tyler and Kellie Penn are planting a Free Will Baptist church in Champaign, Illinois and are a joint project with the state of Illinois and Free Will Baptist Home Missions. Tyler received a Bachelor of Arts degree in pastoral training from Free Will Baptist Bible College. He pastored the First FWB Church in Decatur, Illinois, for ten years. Champaign/Urbana is a metropolitan area of more than 200,000 people. The University of Illinois is located there and enrolls the largest number of international students of all the public universities in the United States. More than 7,000 international students attended the school in the 2010/2011 school year. Please pray for Tyler, Kellie, and their children, Mason, Millie, and Madden, an adopted son who will be arriving in early 2012.