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Rufo and Maria Gomez


PO Box 55622
Lexington, KY 40555

Email: pastorgmz(at)


Rufo            May 23
Maria           March 22
Emmanuel        December 3, 1993
Jonathan        March 23, 2000
Rufo, Jr.       September 17, 2007
Nathaneal       March 23, 2011

Rev. Rufo Gomez and wife, Maria, are a Joint Project with the state of Kentucky and are planting a Hispanic Free Will Baptist church in Lexington. Rev. Gomez holds a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Christian Psychology, and Maria has a Bachelor's degree in Religious Arts and Christian Education. Rufo and Maria are the proud parents of sons, Emmanuel, Jonathan, Rufo, Jr., and Nathaneal. Please pray for this family as they continue in the process of planting a Hispanic Free Will Baptist church in Lexington, Kentucky.