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Danny and Dawn EElliott


4406 Rue Saint Felix #305
Quebec, QC G1Y 3A7

Email: dannyelliott71(at)



Danny        September 6
Dawn         January 21
Summer       July 15, 1998
Autumn       March 10, 2001
Joshua       June 23, 2006
Jonathan     August 21, 2011

The Elliott family is ministering in Quebec, a French-speaking province in Canada, where they will plant a Free Will Baptist church and ministry. With ministry experience in Texas and South Carolina, Danny came to Home Missions from the pastorate at Ruth's Chapel FWB Church in New Bern, NC. Danny and Dawn both attended Southeastern Free Will Baptist College with Danny earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Missions. Danny and Dawn are the proud parents of four children: Summer, Autumn, Joshua, and Jonathan. To prepare for ministry in Quebec, the Elliotts are attending language school. This is a ground-breaking experience for Home Missions. The Quebecois are considered to be the most unreached people group of North America. With a population of nearly 8 million, there are no Free Will Baptist churches in the province. Quebec City has a population of 750,000, and less than 1/2 of 1% claim to be evangelical Christians. Please pray for the Elliott family as they embark on this new frontier for Free Will Baptists.